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  • Alexis

Week 3: Hibernation (11/30/18)

Howdy! The last week has been honestly quite underwhelming and uneventful. However, some things have been accomplished on some fronts. In my neck of the woods, not much is happening right now because we don't have anything to post about. However, there is other stuff happening in other peoples' parts of the project. Since Kaili is PR, she worked on formatting a basic email to use to contact various shelters to get our name out there and to see what we can do to help them out. Hannah worked on finding recipes for dog treats and gathered the first round of ingredients for making them. All in all, our project is moving much slower than originally anticipated. We do not think it will be at all possible for us to have a booth at the Christmas walk like we originally planned to, but we still hope we will be able to assist shelters in various ways and help people in our community live happier, healthier lives with their pets. Soon, we plan to start making and packaging the dog treats and advertising them on our social media accounts. The treats will come with a tag containing all ingredients, a piece of paper with health tips, a business card, and a punch card so that after a certain amount of purchases, our customers could get a bag of treats for free. All proceeds will go to helping animal shelters and back into our project. Another thing we plan to do is post images of our pets on social media, along with who we are and why this cause means so much to us. For example, there's no tragic backstory for my dog, but one of my cats was found at Hardee's in Collinsville as a kitten and my new kitten was feral and left alone for nearly a week after her brother and sister were caught to be socialized so they can go to good homes. Good day!

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